Inktober 2019
Welcome toInktober 2019! Just like the previous one, I used Pokémon again, but changing the style a bit so that made me fell free to try more.
It was my third participation in the event. During the year, with each passing month, knowing that he would attend Inktober, it was a countdown. Anxiety arose, you could almost hear a tik tok from the calendar. A little of "And this time? Will I succeed?", another "It will be a long and busy month, canI do it all?”.
From its beginning it was known that it could have good and bad results, but with the certainty of dedication and commitment throughout the month of October. That on the first day, the Inktober 2019 journey was beginning and we knew two things: not catching all Pokémon and giving up are not options.
And on October 31st, our journey through Inktober 2019 has ended. In its course, I have been writing some data and here they go:
- It was 254 hours and 15 minutes of work during its entire period.
- An average of approximately 8 hours and 12 minutes in each illustration.
- The longer illustration was “Day 21 - Natu”, with 10 hours and 35 minutes.
- While the shortest was “Day 4 - Articuno”, with 6 hours and 25 minutes.
Given these data I must relate that I really liked the result, there are pieces that would be among the best I have ever done, but it was exhausting. And it was my responsibility, for increasing the difficulty from a year for this at the beginning and for the lack of knowledge of the scope I would have, the relation between time available and time spent on each artwork. Nevertheless, I tried to keep it up all month to get a cohesive project in the end.
Finally, I'm very proud of this Inktober, I know where I got it right and wrong and what should be rethought for next year. Thanks to everyone who followed my journey and to the Cleon from the future: take it easy.
Project: Illustrations, concept and fanarts
Date: 10/01 to 10/31/2019
